Minggu, 20 Oktober 2013

BERSAMA KITA BISA (gerakan "KAMI PEDULI" pembangunan gereja )

Saat ini status perijinan Gereja kita sudah di Walikota dan semua procedure sudah kita jalani dengan sabar dan memakan waktu cukup lama (sekitar 7 tahun). Waktu ini pastilah belum terlalau lama jika dibandingkan waktu yang dibutuhkan Bangsa Pilihan Allah keluar dari tanah Mesir dan berjalan dengan sabar selama 40 tahun di padang gurun sebelum sampai ke tanah perjanjian. Kesabaran memang buah roh yang TUHAN mau kita umatNYA memilikinya.

Sekarang ketika ijin sudah didepan mata pertanyaan selanjutnya adalah darimana kita bisa mendapatkan dananya. Dana yang mungkin cukup besar buat kita jemaat TUHAN di Kranggan tetapi tidak terlalu besar untuk TUHAN kita yang punya segalanya dan sangat mengasihi kita serta selalu menyertai kita. Tetapi mengandalkan TUHAN tanpa bersedia terlibat berperan juga bukan pilihan yang bijaksana. TUHAN selalu bekerja melalui anak-anaknya dan pertanyaan sesungguhnya adalah apakah kita mau terlibat dalam rencana TUHAN membangun rumah TUHAN di GKI Kranggan ? lahan dan ijin sudah TUHAN siapkan dan sekarang giliran kita bekerja bersama TUHAN untuk bisa mendapatkan dana pembangunannya.

Panitia pembangunan  sudah menjalankan gerakan partisipasi dari setiap jemaat dan simpatisan di GKI kranggan dengan nama gerakan K 1000 yang sudah berjalan selama 5 tahun an. Gerakan ini adalah gerakan menyisihkan Rp 1.000 rupiah setiap hari dari uang jajan (untuk anak sekolah) dan uang dapur (untuk Ibu Rumah Tangga) dan lainnya. Rp 1.000 rupiah sehari memang kecil tetapi jika kita disiplin maka hasilnya luar biasa dan ini juga bukti partisipasi kita. gerakan yang sudah berjalan ini bisa mengumpulkan dana lumayan besar dan saat ini sudah ada sekitar 1.1 Milyar dari dana ini dan persembahan pembangunana dua minggu sekali + janji iman yang rutin ditransfer oleh jemaat dan simpatisan GKI Kranggan.

Saat ini untuk segera memulai pembangunan maka dana yang kita perlukan menjadi cukup besar sekitar 5 milyar untuk tahap awal. Panitia Pembangunan mengajak semua yang membaca blog ini bisa partisipasi Rp 50.000,- atau Rp 100.000,- atau berapapun semampunya dan MENGAJAK 10 orang untuk ikutan partisipasi. Kami berharap dengan satu orang mengajak 10 orang maka akan didapat jumlah partisipan yang besar sehingga beban pembangunan ini terasa ringan. Maukah saudara terlibat dalam rencana ini ?

JIka TUHAN gerakan hati saudara, maka : Semua Sumbangan untuk Pembangunan kiranya dapat dikirimkan ke Rekening BCA Cabang Cibubur dengan No rekening : AC 628 021 6788 a/n Gereja Kristen Indonesia.






Within its fifteen years of service (from 1996 to 2012), GKI Krangggan has grown well as reflected from the number of church members that increase by 9.7% in average annually. However, the growth is not merely due to the hard works of GKI Kranggan church council, boards and members, but it is more due to guidance and the blessing of Christ, the head of the church.

In facing the task to develop church members that is getting more complecated nowadays, the church – as the prime mover of the growth – is demanded to facilitate each service for its members. It is one of GKI Kranggan responsibilities to be able to win more souls that keep on growing and are longing to the love of Christ. And the souls are living in Kranggan – Cibubur and in surrounding regions. The manifestation of this responsibility is by providing a legal, safe and comfortable worshipping venue that has not been owned by GKI Kranggan so far.

Under current socio-political situation and condition in Indonesia, we need more tactical strategies to build a worshipping building, besides we should also work hard in collecting the needed funds so that the worshipping building could be built without any earthly constraints. Meanwhile a number of changes currently taking place in our society – namely liberation, reformation and transparency – has called the church to always try the best to adapt the maturity level of its members so that they will remain believing firmly that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation.

In line with the plan, GKI Kranggan needs to set up a policy strategy for the worshipping building construction plan that will begin by the end semester of 2009. Due to that reason, the active role of every church members and sympathizers in supporting each phase of the development are always expected within the same frame of spirit, namely for the Glory of the Lord.


1.  Preparation

The serving committee of the worshipping building construction is the extention of the earlier committee in charge of finding the land for the construction site. Therefore, the already-purchased land is the land that has earlier been prepared and chosen by the committee under tight considerations. Meanwhile, the task of the Church building committee is to prepare all the needs for the construction of the worshipping building in the available land.

2.  Budgeting Plan

In accordance to the previously agreed plan, the approximate overall budgeting cost for around 1500m2 building is Rp. 9,497,630,000 (Nine billion four hundreds and ninety seven million six hundred and thirty thousand rupiah) consisting of:
A.   Phase I Construction (preparation, foundation, building structure, building rooft, doors and windows)                                      Rp. 2,614,909,000
          B. Phase II Construction (Floor, plafond, paint, sanitary, interior and electricity installation)                                                                      Rp. 3,239,355,000
         C.  Phase III Construction (Supporting building construction, houses for Reverends and guest Reverends)                                    Rp. 3,191,097,000
         D.  Unpredicted Cost (5%)                     Rp.   452,268,000

3. Current Result
    Through all His blessing the committee has so far accomplished some tasks:
a.    Preparing the certificated land site measuring 2,500m2 near the housing complex of Citra Grand Jati Karya, Bekasi
b.    Accomplishing the technical planning
c.    Gaining the access from neighboring residents and community leaders nearby the church site
d.    Obtaining loan as much as Rp. 1.750.000.000,-    


1.  Internal Fundraising

Namely by collecting church collections from GKI Bajem Kranggan church members and sympathizers in the form of money or goods by:
  • q  Collecting special church collection envelopes for the development (K 1000)
  • q  Personal visit to the house of each church member or sympathizers to show the detail presentation on the church development plan
  • q  The sale of component and or parts of worshipping building

2.  External Fundraising
Namely collecting funds from individual donators, organisation (for instance: GKI SW-West Java classis South Jakarta and GKI Priangan) or institutions acknowledged by church members both in the form of money or good through some ways:
q  Sending proposal to hopeful individual donator or institutions acknowledged by each church member
q  The sale of food, souvenirs, calendar and others
q  The holding of art and worshipping night
q  Painting exhibition and auction
q  Golf Tournament
q  Praise and Worship Night

  • Pdt. Iman Sugio Ibrahim
  • Pnt. Darmawasih Manullang

Guidance Elders/Presbyter:                                                                      

  • Pnt. Hiddon Simamora
  • Pnt. Tutina Octavina
  • Pnt. Sony Danang Caksono
  • Pnt. Dalu Tjahyono
  • Pnt. Hartanta Tarigan
Chairman        : Johny Kadarma
Chairman II    : Esron Silalahi
Secretary         : Kenyo Wulan Trisparwati
Secretray II   : Myfriend Parlin Limbong
Treasurer          : Lianah
   Treasurer II   : Duma Lina Siahaan
   Funding Section : Petrus Padmardjo
      • Sri Rimita Tarigan
      • Megy Magdalena Laihad
      • Retno Sulistyowati
      • Yulius Bobo
      • Boyker Panjaitan
      • Daud Sihombing
      • Gideon Edi Purnomo
      • Edward Nainggolan
      • Budiadi

Public Relation
§  Yudo Satrio Putranto
§  Servaniandei Satyaprawira Benyamin Lumy

Technical Section: Rizal Hutagalung (Coordinator)
§  Revolin Lase

Legal Section: John Talo Manafe (Coordinator)
  §  Alfrits Kapahang

§  Julius Tandas Tundang

Foto Gereja Impian

Foto Gereja Impian